C# – any document which says exactly what range of numbers are .NET BigIntegers designed for


I'm playing around with the .NET BigInteger and basically I'm wondering what number –an estimated answer would be fine– is the point of deviation of the curve of (the graph of (increase of time required for operations) vs (value of BigInteger))?

or are they designed with no such deviation such that if we plot the increase of time required for operations vs value of BigInteger from 1 to infinity, we will have a smooth curve all the way?

for example, assuming arrays are designed with capability of handling 50 items . this means that if i have 1 item, operations are f(1) time. and when i have 2 items, operations are f(2) time. if i have 50 items, operations are f(50) time. but since it is designed for handling 50 items only, the operations done when we have 51 items will be g(51) where g(51) > f(51).

If implemented properly the complexity of BigInteger arithmetic should
be a smooth curve. For example the time complexity of multiplication
should be O(NM) where N is the number of digits in the first
multiplicand, and M is the number of digits in the second
multiplicand. Of course there are practical limits in that you could
pick N and M so large that the numbers wouldn't fit in your machine.

Are there any / does anyone know of any documents claiming that it is implemented as such?

Best Answer

Any number that could possibly get larger than ULong.MaxValue, or smaller than Long.MinValue should be represented using BigInteger.

If NOT (Long.MinValue <= X <= ULong.MaxValue) Then BigInteger

BigInteger is for too large numbers than normal primitives can handle.

For example if your integer is outside the range of Long, you should probably use BigInteger. These cases are very rare though, and using these classes have significantly higher overhead than their primitive counterparts.

For example, long is 64 bits wide and can hold the range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,80. ulong can hold 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. If your numbers are larger or smaller than that, BigInteger is your only option

The only time I've seen them used in a real world application was a starchartting application.

See Also: Primitive Ranges in .NET

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