C++ Singleton – Best Way to Have a Central Data Repository


I'm coding in C++. I have a server that will have clients connect to it, and each client gets spun off into its own thread for communication. This server is hosting a game, so there is information that must be shared between all client threads, as well as any other threads I choose to spawn off. This data is like level data, players online, etc, so all threads might possible have to access any of the data at any time. When I was doing this in C#, I just had a static static with all static fields. Is there a superior way to do this? I really don't want to have to deal with passing a reference to a specific object everywhere, but I figure my current implementation goes against OOP etc. Would this be a good case for using a singleton design pattern? Any other ideas are welcomed!

Best Answer

3 main ways of doing this:

  1. Use a global static object, its gets constructed at startup and can be a good pattern as it is very simple. Simple can often = good.

  2. Use a singleton. You now have the object created later, and its still a single object. you fetch this object as needed. This is a "step-up" as you have more control about initialisation of the object compared to the global.

  3. Use an 'Inversion of Control' object. This is basically passing the object into each class in the constructor, so each object has its private member pointer to the object. This is another step-up as it allows much easier access to the 'global', and also allows you to switch the injected object on a class by class basis.

Ultimately it depends, the IoC pattern is very fashionable at the moment, but I tend to prefer the global TBH. It depends as well what data you're putting into it, and if its a read-only or a read-write object.

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