C# – Better way of storing key-value pairs in the database

cdatabase-designsql server

I have a C#/SQL Server program that sometimes needs to store data. The data could be a response from a web service, a result of a database query, or any number of other things. There's no way of knowing before the data is stored how many fields it might have or what the data structure might be. We have this kind of painful table we're using for this… four columns and lots of rows. An example of the data might be easier than an explanation.

InstanceID RowID PropertyName PropertyValue
1          1     Property1    Value1
1          1     Property2    Value2
1          1     Property3    Value3
1          2     Property1    Value1
1          2     Property2    Value2
1          2     Property3    Value3
2          1     OtherProp1   Value1
2          1     OtherProp2   Value2
2          2     OtherProp1   Value1
2          2     OtherProp2   Value2

These values will then be pulled back and fed into a dictionary object, which can be updated, then the fields will be fed back into the database. This can be painful to code against, and also requires a lot of inserts which can make it very slow.

I can't think of a better way of doing this, but I feel like there must be one. Any advice?

Best Answer

SQL has not been designed for this scenario, but document and key-value stores have been. Have you considered using one of those?

For example MongoDB has a C# driver with Linq support (although I doubt you will actually need that). You can simply store all the "dynamic data" in one mongodb document per SQL entity.

Another alternative would be redis, simply mapping unique entity identifiers to hashes that contain the corresponding key-value-data.

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