C++ – Concrete types – as described by Stroustrup – C++ Programming Language 4th ed


I'm having a hard time with this concept. What is Stroustrup getting at here? What is special about a class whose "representation is part of its definition"? What does a "concrete type" contrast with? (I assume it contrasts with "abstract type", but since, AFAIK, you can't even bring an instance of an abstract type into existence, it seems obvious you couldn't place that on the stack, initialize it, etc.)

Is there such a thing as a class I could instantiate that would NOT fit this description of a "concrete class"? Normally I find BS very easy to follow, but I'm missing the point here.

The basic idea of concrete classes is that they behave “just like
built-in types.” For example, a complex number type and an
infinite-precision integer are much like built-in int, except of
course that they have their own semantics and sets of operations.
Similarly, a vector and a string are much like built-in arrays, except
that they are better behaved (§ 4.2, § 4.3.2, § 4.4.1).

The defining
characteristic of a concrete type is that its representation is part
of its definition. In many important cases, such as a vector, that
representation is only one or more pointers to more data stored
elsewhere, but it is present in each object of a concrete class…. In
particular, it allows us to

• place objects of concrete types on the
stack, in statically allocated memory, and in other objects (§ 6.4.2);

• refer to objects directly (and not just through pointers or

• initialize objects immediately and completely (e.g.,
using constructors; § 2.3.2); and

• copy objects (§ 3.3).

Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013-07-10). The C++ Programming Language (4th
Edition) (Section 16.3 Concrete Classes; Kindle Locations 2373-2386). Pearson Education. Kindle

Best Answer

You've pretty much got it right, a concrete type is something that you can create an instance of, while an abstract type is not. For example, consider a typical pedagogical hierarchy such as:

class animal {
    virtual void noise() = 0;
class dog: public animal {
    void noise() { cout << "bark\n"; }
    human *master;
class cat: public animal {
    void noise() { cout << "meow\n"; }
    std::vector<human *> slaves;

You can create instances of dog or cat because they are concrete, and not abstract. On the other hand, you can't create an instance of an animal, but only hold a pointer (or refernce) to one. For example:

void hungry(animal *a) {

In terms that Stroustrup is using, the representation of an animal is not included in the definition of class animal. The representation for a particular kind of animal is described in a subclass, here either dog or cat.

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