C# – Building a Custom Video Player in .NET


I have a custom file type .mft which is basically a zip that has video inside (mpg,mp4,etc) that is encrypted/protected.

My ideia is to create a custom video player which will read those .mft files, for a private group of users (users provide user and password), and the custom player will not allow to save the video, so that no one can re-share it, and can only view it.

I saw that VLC has this library http://vlcdotnet.codeplex.com/releases/view/121099, so my player would use it.

My question is : Is it really possible to block users from not saving the video? I don't think so, because there are several software to record desktop activity.

What do you think?

Best Answer

Your DRM scheme is based on security by obscurity. It won't take long until people figure out that your custom video format is just a zip-archive and will extract it with 7zip to get the actual file.

You could make it a bit harder by encrypting it, but people will also be able to figure these out and obtain your decryption key by reverse-engineering your application.

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