C++ Parsing – Design a Parser for Handling Very Large Files


I have written a program which records protocol messages between an application and a hardware device which matches each application request with each hardware response. This is so that I can later remove the hardware, connect a 'replay' application to the main application and wait for an application request and reply with a matched copy of the requisite hardware reply message.

My replay application saves the matched request/response in a list (using C++ std::list).

This works fine on a small interaction session. My problem now is that I need to be able to use the replay over a long long session. With my current implementation, the replay program eventually uses up all available memory on my computer and crashes.

So I need some sort of lookahead – and not parse the whole session in one go.

Can anyone make any suggestions on how to get started?

Best Answer

Large interaction data is usually serialised to a file. Write the data to a CSV file or write it to a database and read back from it. Journal the data when it crosses a certain limit. Saving it this way will keep your memory from crashing. Save it regularly after a span of time.

Lookup CIRCULAR List also.

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