C# – Design Pattern for processing method result


I am currently refactoring a piece of code to keep things testable and maintainable in our c# application.

I've stumbled upon a scenario where an existing method returns data with lists and enums that is then processed with lots of if else conditions in a big long method that is 800+ lines long. Lucky me!

I was trying to pick a suitable design pattern from the Gang Of Four, but cannot see something that fits. I will outline what I have in place at the minute. Any ideas on how to best tackle/refactor the following?

The following code has been simplified from what I have in production. Its purpose is to show the cut down logic in the scenario. This is what I have refactored to so far. Don't worry about statics and that there are no interfaces – interfaces have been omitted for simplicity.

public class MySearchClass
    public static SearchResult Find(QueryParameters queryParams)

public class SearchEntityResult
    public IEnumerable<SearchEntityData> Matches { get; set; }

public class SearchEntityData
    public SearchMatchType MatchType { get; set; }
    public Guid SearchEntityId { get; set; }
    public string EntityName { get; set; }

public enum SearchMatchType

public class BigLongMethodClassProcessor
    public static void DoFindAndProcess()
        ... spaghetti code ...

        SearchEntityResult result = MySearchClass.Find(...);

        if (result.BestMatch == SearchMatchType.Exact)
            foreach (var m in  result.Matches)
                if (m.MatchType == SearchMatchType.Partial)
                    ... do this ...
                else if (m.MatchType == SearchMatchType.Exact)
                    ... do that ...


My thoughts was to have a factory that would look at the SearchEntityResult and create an appropriate SearchEntityResultProcessor.

public class ExactSearchEntityResultProcessor : ISearchEntityResultProcessor
    public void Process(SearchEntityResult result)

public class SearchEntityResultProcessorFactory
    public static ISearchEntityResultProcessor Create(SearchEntityResult result)
        if (result.BestMatch == SearchMatchType.Exact)
            return new ExactSearchEntityResultProcessor();
        else if (result.BestMatch == SearchMatchType.Partial)
            return new PartialSearchEntityResultProcessor();
            // throw

So BigLongMethodClassProcessor will look like:

public class BigLongMethodClassProcessor
    public static void DoFindAndProcess()
        SearchEntityResult result = MySearchClass.Find(...);
        ISearchEntityResultProcessor processor = SearchEntityResultProcessorFactory.Create(result);

Then all statics will be removed and interfaces introduced.

Best Answer

Your solution looks good to me. You are constructing the processor that can handle a result then processing that result using it.

Another option is the chain of responsibility pattern. http://www.dofactory.com/net/chain-of-responsibility-design-pattern

This is like your solution except the check for whether a processor can handle the result is contained within the processor itself. Then you'd just have a list of all processors and pass the result to each in turn until one of them was able to process it. That way if a new processor is developed it just needs to be added to the list.