C# – Dictionary vs List: Key Differences

cdata structuresnet

So I ran into a Dictionary<int, int> today at work. This just seemed weird to me because I would have probably just used a List<int> instead. Is there a difference and would there be a use case where one structure would be preferred over the other?

Best Answer

You would use a Dictionary<int, int> if your indexes have a special meaning besides just positional placement.

The immediate example that comes to mind is storing an id column and an int column in a database. For example, if you have a [person-id] column and a [personal-pin] column, then you might bring those into a Dictionary<int, int>. This way pinDict[person-id] gives you a PIN, but the index is meaningful and not just a position in a List<int>.

But really, any time you have two related lists of integers, this could be an appropriate data structure.

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