C++11 Libraries – Addressing Concerns with Passing std Lib Objects Between Dynamic/Shared Library Boundaries


One of my major complaints about C++ is how hard in practice it is to pass std library objects outside of dynamic library (ie dll/so) boundaries.

The std library is often header-only. Which is great for doing some awesome optimizations. However, for dll's, they are often built with different compiler settings that may impact the internal structure/code of a std library containers. For example, in MSVC one dll may build with iterator debugging on while another builds with it off. These two dlls may run into issues passing std containers around. If I expose std::string in my interface, I can't guarantee the code the client is using for std::string is an exact match of my library's std::string.

This leads to hard to debug problems, headaches, etc. You either rigidly control the compiler settings in your organization to prevent these issues or you use a simpler C interface that won't have these problems. Or specify to your clients the expected compiler settings they should use (which sucks if another library specifies other compiler settings).

My question is whether or not C++11 tried to do anything to solve these issues?

Best Answer

You are correct that anything STL - actually, anything from any third party library which is templated - is best avoided in any public C++ API. You also want to follow the long list of rules at http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0009.html#definition to inhibit ABI breakage which makes programming public C++ APIs a chore.

And the answer regarding C++11 is no, this standard isn't touching that. More interesting is why not? The answer is because C++17 is very much touching that, and for C++ Modules to be implemented we need exported templates to work, and for that we need a LLVM type compiler such as clang which can dump the full AST to disc and then do caller-dependent lookups to handle the many ODR violating cases in any large C++ project - which, by the way, includes lots of GCC and ELF code.

Lastly, I see a lot of MSVC hate and pro-GCC comments. These are very misinformed - GCC on ELF is fundamentally, and irretrievably, incapable of producing valid and correct C++ code. The reasons for this are many and legion, but I'll quickly quote one case example: GCC on ELF cannot safely produce Python extensions written using Boost.Python where more than one extension based on Boost.Python is loaded into Python. That's because ELF with its global C symbol table is simply incapable by design of preventing ODR violations causing segfaults, whereas PE and MachO and indeed the proposed C++ Modules specification all use per-module symbol tables - which incidentally also means vastly faster process init times. And there are plenty more problems: see a StackOverflow I answered recently at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14268736/symbol-visibility-exceptions-runtime-error/14364055#14364055 for example where C++ exception throws are irretrievably fundamentally broken on ELF.

Last point: regarding interoping different STLs, this is a big pain for many large corporate users trying to mix third party libraries which are tightly integrated to some STL implementation. The only solution is a new mechanism for C++ to handle STL interop, and while they're at it you might as well fix compiler interop too so you can (for example) mix MSVC, GCC and clang compiled object files and it all just works. I'd watch the C++17 effort and see what turns up there in the next few years - I'd be surprised if nothing does.

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