C++ – Does it hurt to learn bits of many programming languages


I started my programming career with BASIC, during 9th grade. I learned a bit of BASIC by writing simple programs to add, subtract and to print. Then I went to the university and took Computer Information and Systems Engineering. In the first year I was taught C, and I have good command over it.

Next I learned C++ in the second year. It just taught me some knowledge of OOP. Now I am doing PHP (along with HTML). I have not mastered C++, BASIC or PHP. I am now planning to move to mobile development. But I feel that I have not covered everything in the languages I learned.

Does it really matter?

Best Answer

We're all just learning bits of programming languages. I would only consider the language implementers to be those who are a 10 out of 10 in the knowledge of a language.

Learning multiple languages, and paradigms, is the only way to develop a "taste" for what you like and don't like. If you only learned one language, you wouldn't even be able to really decide whether you even like it or not.

You're actually doing it the correct way. You will be able to reuse the most important fundamentals you learn in each while getting exposure to different syntax, libraries, and frameworks.