Single Responsibility Principle – Evaluating Class Design


Today I had an argument with someone.

I was explaining the benefits of having a rich domain model as opposed to an anemic domain model. And I demoed my point with a simple class looking like that:

public class Employee
    public Employee(string firstName, string lastName)
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastname;

    public string FirstName { get private set; }
    public string LastName { get; private set;}
    public int CountPaidDaysOffGranted { get; private set;}

    public void AddPaidDaysOffGranted(int numberOfdays)
        // Do stuff

As he defended his anemic model approach, one of his arguments was: "I am a believer in SOLID. You are violating the single responsibility principle (SRP) as you are both representing data and performing logic in the same class."

I found this claim really surprising, as following this reasoning, any class having one property and one method violates the SRP, and therefore OOP in general is not SOLID, and functional programming is the only way to heaven.

I decided not to reply to his many arguments, but I am curious what the community thinks on this question.

If I had replied, I would have started by pointing to the paradox mentioned above, and then indicate that the SRP is highly dependent on the level of granularity you want to consider and that if you take it far enough, any class containing more than one property or one method violates it.

What would you have said?

Update: The example has been generously updated by guntbert to make the method more realistic and help us focus on the underlying discussion.

Best Answer

Single Responsibility should be understood as an abstraction of logical tasks in your system. A class should have the single responsibility to (do everything necessary in order to) perform one single, specific task. This can actually bring a lot into a well-designed class, depending on what the responsibility is. The class that runs your script engine, for example, can have a lot of methods and data involved in processing scripts.

Your coworker is focusing on the wrong thing. The question is not "what members does this class have?" but "what useful operation(s) does this class perform within the program?" Once that is understood, your domain model looks just fine.