C# Design – Using a Flag to Indicate If Errors Should Be Thrown


I recently started working at a place with some much older developers (around 50+ years old). They have worked on critical applications dealing with aviation where the system could not go down. As a result the older programmer tends to code this way.

He tends to put a boolean in the objects to indicate if an exception should be thrown or not.


public class AreaCalculator
    AreaCalculator(bool shouldThrowExceptions) { ... }
    CalculateArea(int x, int y)
        if(x < 0 || y < 0)
                return 0;

(In our project the method can fail because we are trying to use a network device that can not be present at the time. The area example is just an example of the exception flag)

To me this seems like a code smell. Writing unit tests becomes slightly more complex since you have to test for the exception flag each time. Also, if something goes wrong, wouldn't you want to know right away? Shouldn't it be the caller's responsibility to determine how to continue?

His logic/reasoning is that our program needs to do 1 thing, show data to user. Any other exception that doesn't stop us from doing so should be ignored. I agree they shouldn't be ignored, but should bubble up and be handled by the appropriate person, and not have to deal with flags for that.

Is this a good way of handling exceptions?

Edit: Just to give more context over the design decision, I suspect that it is because if this component fails, the program can still operate and do its main task. Thus we wouldn't want to throw an exception (and not handle it?) and have it take down the program when for the user its working fine

Edit 2: To give even more context, in our case the method is called to reset a network card. The issue arises when the network card is disconnected and reconnected, it is assigned a different ip address, thus Reset will throw an exception because we would be trying to reset the hardware with the old ip.

Best Answer

The problem with this approach is that while exceptions never get thrown (and thus, the application never crashes due to uncaught exceptions), the results returned are not necessarily correct, and the user may never know that there is a problem with the data (or what that problem is and how to correct it).

In order for the results to be correct and meaningful, the calling method has to check the result for special numbers - i.e., specific return values used to denote problems that came up while executing the method. Negative (or zero) numbers being returned for positive-definite quantities (like area) are a prime example of this in older code. If the calling method doesn't know (or forgets!) to check for these special numbers, though, processing can continue without ever realizing a mistake. Data then gets displayed to the user showing an area of 0, which the user knows is incorrect, but they have no indication of what went wrong, where, or why. They then wonder if any of the other values are wrong...

If the exception was thrown, processing would stop, the error would (ideally) be logged and the user may be notified in some way. The user can then fix whatever is wrong and try again. Proper exception handling (and testing!) will ensure that critical applications do not crash or otherwise wind up in an invalid state.