C# – How C# Protected Access Modifier Works When Applied to a Member Variable


I have 2 classes, Base and child class.
Base class has a protected int variable. My understanding is that any protected member of a class can only be accessed in a child class, It cannot be accessed from say creating an Instance of a class and accessing the protected member. How is this working then?

  class BaseClass
            protected int x = 0;

            private static void Funny(BaseClass c, ChildClass d)
                d.x = 9; // How can we access x here? 
                c.x = 0; // How can we access x here?

        class ChildClass: BaseClass
            public void MyFunc()
                x = 0; // This should be OK, because x is a protected member of 

            private static void Funny(BaseClass c,ChildClass d)

                d.x = 9;
                c.x=0;// This is giving compile time error? According to me even above line should give compile time error


Best Answer

In C#, the scope of access modifiers is the class, not the instance. This means that a private member can be accessed within the class on any instance.

public class Price
    private int amount;

    private static void CheckAmountOf(Price price)
        // The following line is possible, even if `amount` is private and we are accessing an
        // instance of the object which was passed by a parameter.
        if (price.amount < 0)
            throw new InvalidValueException("The price cannot be negative.");

This, by the way, makes it possible (and easy) to override Equals. Otherwise, you would be limited to public properties only, which may not be exactly what you want.

class Price
    private int amount;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var price = obj as Price;
        // The next line is valid, even if `amount` is private and even if the initial argument
        // was of type `object`. This way, you don't need to have a corresponding `Amount`
        // property with a public getter.
        return this.amount == price.amount;