How to Measure Maintainability in Software Projects

cmaintainabilitymeasurementmetricsvisual studio 2010

Context: I'm an enterprise developer in an all-MS shop.

Can anyone recommend a good way of objectively measuring maintainability of a piece of code or an application?

Why maintainability: I'm tired of "quality" metrics in my group revolving only around number of bugs and code coverage. Both metrics are easy to game, especially when you're not measuring maintainability. Shortsightedness and deadlines result in huge amounts of technical debt that never really get addressed.

Why the ability to measure objectively: I work in a big enterprise group. If you can't objectively measure it, you can't hold people accountable for it or make them get better at it. Subjective measurements either don't happen or don't happen consistently.

I'm looking at VS2010 code metrics, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other recommendations.

Best Answer

The caveat with measuring maintainability is that you are attempting to predict the future. Code coverage, bug count, LOC, cyclomatic complexity all deal with the present.

The reality is that unless you have concrete evidence that the code is not maintainable as a bug caused N amount of hours of un-needed time due to un-maintainable code; then having a leg to stand on will be inherently difficult. In this example it could have been caused by the fact that an overly complex methodology was used when something much simpler would have sufficed. Treading into an area where you attempt to measure methodologies, paradigms, and best practices becomes increasingly difficult with little to no long term gain.

Going down this path is unfortunately a road to nowhere. Focus on uncovering root issues that have substantial merit and are not tied to personal feelings about an issue such as a lack of naming conventions across the code base and find a way to measure success and failures around that root issue. This will then allow you to begin putting together a set of building blocks from which you can then begin to formulate solutions around.

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