C# – How to Create a Request Specific Thread Safe Static int Counter


In one of my server application I have a class that look like,

class A
   static int _value = 0;
   void DoSomething()
         // a request start here
          _value = 0;
         // a request end here
   // This method can be called many time during request
   void SomeAsyncMethods()

The problem is SomeAsyncMethods is async. Can be called many times. What I need when a request start set _value = 0 and then asynchrosnously increment this. After end of request I need the total. But the problem is that another request at the same time can access the class.

Best Answer


System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment( ref _value );

instead of



If multiple requests share this class and each one should get its own counter you need a non static counter that you pass to all threads working on this request.

Like this

class A
    void DoSomething()
        // a request start here
        RequestData data = new RequestData();
        // a request end here

    // This method can be called many time during request
    void SomeAsyncMethods( RequestData request )

class RequestData
    int _value = 0;

    public void IncrementValue()
        System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment( ref _value );
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