C# – How to make sure JSON payload limit does not exceed a certain value during a web request


I need to call third party APIs where the payload size has a maximum size limit, say, 4 MB. That means I cannot call the API with a payload more than 4MB in size.

How can I solve this in an algorithmic way? Because a simple solution could be like every time I generate a payload, I check the size, and if it exceeds, I can regenerate it. But this is not an effective solution and not good from a performance point of view.

For more detail, let's take this example.
There is one API where I can file invoices in one call only. Now I can have thousands of invoices and each invoice could have different data as per business.

In this, how can I determine a benchmark to send a limited number of invoices to meet the size limit requirement?

Best Answer

If this is about limits to the size of a reply from your server, then answer this: What does the API do if you exceed the 4MB limit? Does it do something sensible? There are two sensible ways: a. The API returns an error indicating that you exceed the limit, in which case you try again, asking for half as many items. Or the API returns a status indicating that out of the n items you wanted, m ≤ n items have actually been processed, so you know m items have been done, and you ask for the remaining ones.

The last case is the best IMO: If you want to get a million items, you request a million and the API tells you that you only got 2,500. So then you ask for 997,500 and so on.

If this is about limits sending data to the server: You generate data for one item after the other, building the data you are going to the server. For each item, you check if adding that item would make your data too big, and in that case you send all the data you had so far except the new item, and then the new item becomes part of the next message to the server.

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