C# – How to move a team from C# ASP.NET development to PHP development using Drupal


I have a team of skilled C# developers with vast experience in creating ASP.NET MVC applications. We will soon be starting a new big web site project based on the Drupal platform. My developers do not have any experience in Drupal or PHP and I want to make the transition as quickly and effective as possible.

We decided to make this decision based on two factors:

  1. In my organization there are a couple of teams competing on doing this project. None of the other teams has experience in PHP or Drupal, and I truly believe that my team would do it the best, whether it's ASP.NET or Drupal.
  2. One of the requirements from higher management was that we won't build something from scratch, but use an existing foundation. Many of the requirements are available in plugins/modules for the various CMS.

I know this is not an ideal environment, but it's a given state and I have to make the best out of it. None of the .NET Framework based CMS supported all of our requirements. Since my team is dynamic in nature, I believe it can adapt to working with Drupal.

Hiring other people is not an option, and sending them to a course will take too much time.
I thought about dedicating a week in which each developer will study a specific subject and then will pass it on to the team.

Any suggestions on how you would do it?

Best Answer

I would not want to be a developer on this team/on this project, it has the makings of a disaster (seriously). This sounds like a typical management question. So, you're changing your developers skillset, you don't want to get them any training and you also don't want to hire an architect with experience.

  1. You will have growing pains in this project.
  2. You will end up with code (hopefully) that will have to be retooled later after they figure out the "gotchas" that will come up.

In my opinion, someone on the project has to have enough knowledge of the language to see the big picture. Having each developer try learn one subset without knowing how they all fit together is going to get you in trouble eventually. Someone needs to have an understanding of how everything integrates and that isn't going to come in a week.

Best of luck. :p

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