Preventing Use of Non-Thread Safe Variables in C++ Multithreading


I have an application written in C++ that was originally single threaded, but, due to the increasing complexity of this project, I'll need to expand it to at least two or three threads.

There are only a total of four variables that will be used between more than one thread threads, making it useless to make everything thread-safe. The obvious solution is to just create a mutex for each variable and move on with my life.

However, looking back, this seems like a horrible idea! I'm afraid that another programmer may forget that the majority of the methods and variables are not thread-safe and use a variable in another thread.

Since I'm the main programmer for this project, it doesn't seem like this would be an issue, but I honestly feel like this is bad programming and it feels really messy.

What are some ways to keep the variables separate to make it easier to tell which variable is for which thread? I've been thinking about isolating the code for the thread so it cannot access the other global variables (giving a compile error instead of silently creating a bug). I could also create a namespace or class for each thread. Is there a best practice for this?

Best Answer

There are two elements to this problem: #1, the technical change to the existing code base to support multi-threading, and #2 changing the culture of the company in order to be aware of thread safety in the code.

The first is relatively simple. First, document the functions in the class that are thread safe and are not thread safe. I agree with Jeffery Thomas that you should treat it as a major new feature. Often, I'll write an entirely new class with some (relation to the original class to keep it DRY) that is thread safe. While there is no explicit "thread safe" tag in c++, I find making the class const correct can do a lot to help out. You should also clearly document what is thread safe or not (follow a convention, be CONSISTENT, and make the assumed state not thread safe).

The larger problem is changing the culture of the company to make sure everyone is aware of thread safety. I find this is where things like a style guide and code reviews can be very helpful. A style guide can inform people exactly how to mark things as thread safe. We do a lot of C programming, so I'm partial to decorating names, but you should choose a style that works for you. Some companies lean towards making everything thread safe by default, but I find that tends to add a lot of unnecessary code complexity, and can add non-insignificant overhead on occasion.

Code reviews, when done correctly, are a way to educate everyone on the style and to pass around information about programming in general.

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