C# – How to separate public and “mostly private” code in C#? (Friend classes, PIMPL pattern, etc.)


Reminder: If you have tips, please remember to put the reason objectively, such as "having two distinct SetInt() functions in the same file violates reader expectations that they'll be overloads, and stymies the ability to find the right function with ctrl+F."


Occasionally, low level/dangerous APIs are needed. They should be hidden, but they can't be private. For example, functions to manipulate an additional (not loaded) save data, rename/delete the underlying save data config files on disk, or disallow any future saves from being written to disk. How do I keep the API clean, so normal classes don't see these ancillary methods?

In C++, these ancillary functions would be private, and the classes that needed access would be friend classes. In C#, my first thought was to use this:

Pseudo-Facade pattern, hiding ancillary methods:

// The Save.Foo() functions are used all the time. Concise/simple API needed. 
public static class Save
    public static void SetInt(string key, int value)
        Save_Implementation.SetInt(currentSaveData, key, value);

public static class Save_Implementation // ancillary or dangerous APIs
    public static void SetInt(object data, string key, int value) { /* ... */ }
    public static void StopAllSaves() { /* ... */ }
    public static string GetCurrentFilename() { /* ... */ }

This works, but I should related the classes to better clarify that they're part of the same thing. Subclass? Can't, it's static. Namespace? Can't, we need to type these function names with brutal frequency. Nested class? Yes, please.

Nested class:

public static class Save
    public static void SetInt(string key, int value)
        Impl.SetInt(currentSaveData key, value);

    public static class Impl // ancillary or dangerous APIs
        public static void SetInt(object data, string key, int value) { /* ... */ }
        public static void StopAllSaves() { /* ... */ }
        public static string GetCurrentFilename() { /* ... */ }

That's better, but messier than I'd prefer, since there are duplicated methods in the same file. (I.e., SetInt() calls Impl.SetInt(currentSaveData).) Next I tried splitting it up:

Partial classes, with ancillary stuff in a different file:


public static partial class Save
    public static void SetInt(string key, int value)
        Impl.SetInt(currentSaveData, key, value);

    public static partial class Impl // ancillary or dangerous APIs


public static partial class Save
    public static partial class Impl // ancillary or dangerous APIs
        public static void SetInt(object data, string key, int value) { /* ... */ }
        public static void StopAllSaves() { /* ... */ }
        public static string GetCurrentFilename() { /* ... */ }

This works, but the IDE isn't smart enough to open the right file when I jump to the definition of Save or Save.Impl.
Is there a perfect way to organize this, or will it always be a trade-off?

Edit: Save is a drop-in replacement for the game engine's default save functionality, so it's ideal for it to clone the existing API (and be static).

Best Answer

Partial classes are mostly intended to separate generated code from non-generated code, so that changes can occur in the non-generated code that don't affect the generated code. Is that the case here?

Internal classes are meant to gather together stuff that belongs together conceptually, but will never be used outside the class. They are fairly rare beasts. static ones are vanishingly rare. Nothing you've shown here indicates a need for them.

Impl classes are meant to service Interfaces, which have their own specific purpose (i.e. the ability to swap implementations). You don't seem to have that requirement.

At the end of the day, a single class (acting as an adapter) for each "dangerous" API may be all the encapsulation you will ever need, unless your conversion code is complex enough to warrant the additional architecture.

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