C# – How to structure Restful API client files in C# project

cweb services

I've developed a Restful API in PHP, now the API makes different resources available like: Article, User, Service, Trace etc....
I'm going to implement each resource in a portable DLL, so I can use the API method in each platform as Xamarin, XBox, Windows etc…
I want to ask how I should setup the structure of each DLL.
I'm thinking to use the following stack:

The project name within the solution is the name of the resource, for example Article.
Now I have a class called Article. The Article resource implements other sub-resources such as Fam and List. So in the same DLL I can also use the method of other sub-resources.
In the solution, for simplicity, I separated each sub resource in their class as:

Article, Fam and List

My RestFull API makes these verbs available: GET - DELETE - POST - PUT. So in my DLL I've created 4 folders with the smen name as the available verbs.
In each folder, for example (GET), I have the class resource and sub_resources:

Article_GET, Fam_GET and List_GET

In the classes above I have only the GET method request.
In the main class, for example Article I implement all GET - DELETE - POST - PUT classes methods, little example:

public class Article_GET
        public class Article
            public string codice { get; set; }
            public string descrizione { get; set; }

        public class RootObject
            public List<Article> article { get; set; }

        public List<Article> GetArticle()
            var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>("json");
            return obj.article;

and this is the Article class:

public class Article
        public static List<Article_GET.Article> GetArticles()
            return new Article_GET().GetArticle();

so when I import the DLL that has this namespace: CompanyName.Product.Article
I can simply use: Article.GetArticles(); or Article.AddArticle() etc…

Image stack example:

enter image description here

I don't know if is this a good stack classes hierarchy. Could someone tell me how I can improve this? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This looks like it will eventually bite you in the behind, as in that it's very cluttered and doesnt really provide good maintainability.

I would have organized it like this:

Each resource (model) gets its own class file containing its attributes, like:


  • Id
  • Name
  • Price

Each resource collection has a class containing methods for handling that resource, like:


  • Get(int id)
  • List()
  • Update(int id, Article article)
  • Delete(int id)
  • Create(Article article)

Here is a dotnetfiddle example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/YE1hc1