C# Testing – How to Structure Unit Tests for a GUI App Using NUnit


I've been asked to do a small side-project to supply a simple application to one of our customers. Normally I would be working on back-end code where I have all of my testing needs figured out, and I've not yet had the dubious pleasure of writing tests for the GUI, so it's a little unclear to me how I should set up the testing code and tools for an EXE.

My first instinct was to simply include the tests with the application code, however that would require supplying a number of test-specific dependencies, which I have been instructed to specifically not ship to the customer. I am also unable to squeeze out any cash for a purpose built test tool, so I need to use the tools I have at hand (StoryQ, RhinoMocks, and NUnit), which really should be more than enough to test the behavior of a simple GUI app. So as far as I can see, this leaves me with trying to strike a good balance between keeping the design really simple, or purposefully over-engineering for the sake of the tests. It seems I'm either building the app with the business logic in a separate library and testing against the library as I usually would, or finding some other mechanism to allow me to the executable without breaking out additional modules that the application design doesn't really need.

Please note that this question is about how to structure the relationship between NUnit and my executable – as opposed to a DLL – and not about how to separate presentation and business logic.

So my question is:

  1. Is there a specific/recommended method for configuring a simple GUI application with unit tests to allow me to adequately check state and behavior, using the tools I have at hand, and without resorting to over-engineering?
  2. Have I missed something fundamental about the way NUnit should be invoked/configured when testing an EXE (as opposed to a DLL)?
  3. Can you provide or point me in the direction of examples of how achieve all of this?

I realize that there may be more than one way to do this so I'm looking for specific implementation guidelines based on your experience.

Best Answer

I mentioned in one of my comments to simoraman's answer that I had thought of a couple of ways to do this. One of my options was similar to the suggestion in Jalayn's answer to created a duplicate project and generate a DLL, while my other idea was to simply link to the files in the project where there was code I wanted to test. While both options could be made to work, they are less than ideal.

In the second case, I'd have a mess of unit dependencies to manage unless I could really tease apart the architecture to minimize dependencies. This is fine for smaller projects, but larger ones could easily become a real mess to manage. My biggest resistance to this option however is the sheer inelegance of it. Sure I could get it to work, but in doing so I effectively need to break encapsulation to test the internals of an assembly directly via source, rather than testing the via the public interfaces, which in my mind is a big no-no. Likewise having an additional project file would mean either duplicating efforts in two projects at a time, or finding a way to add project file settings automatically to two files at a time, or remembering to copy and rename the project field each time I build. This can be automated on the build server perhaps, but would be a pain to manage in the IDE. Again, it can work, but it's a kludge at best, and a nuisance at worse if you get it wrong.

The best way seems to be to do as whatsisname commented to my question, and to simply include the EXE as a reference in the test project. It turns out that an EXE is effectively treated the same way as a DLL in this case, and I am able to access all of my nicely layered classes to test whatever floats my boat.