C# – Instantiate an Engine from a Second Project Without Circular Reference


Let's talk about three projects. I have a Cinema project, a Cinema.Engine project, and a Cinema.Client1 project.

In the Cinema project, I have an interface ICinema and a factory class CinemaFactory.

In the Cinema.Engine project, I have a class that implements ICinema… we'll call it CinemaEngine : ICinema. This project is exposed as a WCF service referencing the Cinema project.

This allows my Cinema.Client1 project to only reference the Cinema project. The Cinema.Client1 can call the CinemaFactory and obtain a reference to the ICinema provided by the WCF service. All is well and good……. Now to get icky.

Let's add a fourth project called Cinema.Client2 which has references to both the Cinema and Cinema.Engine projects. Because I have a reference to Cinema.Engine, I want to be able to call my factory with a different set of parameters and have the factory instantiate the engine locally instead of calling the WCF service.

Important note: the Cinema project does not have any references to any other projects.

So, if I only have a reference to the Cinema project, then the factory should look like this:

public class CinemaFactory {
    public ICinema GetCinema (Uri RemoteCinema) {}

But if I have a reference to Cinema.Engine then the factory should look like this:

public class CinameFactory {
    public ICinema GetCinema (string CinemaParameters) {}

To put it another way:
The client (residing in one project) needs to obtain an instance of the engine (residing in a second project). That instance will either be a proxy to a WCF service or it will be instantiated locally. This instance will be obtained from a factory (residing in a third project). The first project (containing the client) and the third project (containing the engine) both reference the second project (containing the factory).

If the client is obtaining the proxy, it shouldn't need a reference to the second project. If the client has a reference to the second project, only then should the factory provide the option of instantiating the engine locally.

How can I get the factory (in the third project) to instantiate the engine locally (from the second project) without having a reference to the second project (which causes a circular reference)?

Things I've looked into but that don't work:

  • Partial classes don't work. Partial classes are syntactic sugar and
    cannot span projects.
  • Same class, different namespace (for the factory): but how would I know which namespace to pull the class from?
  • new keyword: only applies to members, not to entire classes.

Best Answer

This is exactly what extension methods are for. I can define the factory in the Cinema project with just the one method signature. I can define an extension method in Cinema.Engine.

Sample code below, showing how to accomplish this using extension methods. The four namespaces are meant to reside in four different projects.

namespace Cinema {

    // Required for WCF
    public interface ICinema {

    public sealed class CinemaFactory {
        // Singleton pattern to support extension methods. (Can't add extension methods to static classes.)
        private static readonly Lazy<CinemaFactory> LazyInstance = new Lazy<CinemaFactory> (() => new CinemaFactory());

        public static CinemaFactory Instance {
        get {
                return LazyInstance.Value;

        private CinemaFactory () {

        public ICinema  GetCinema (EndpointAddress10 RemoteCinemaUri) {
            ICinema CinemaEngineInstance;

            // Get a reference from the WCF service...

            return CinemaEngineInstance;

namespace Cinema.Engine {
    using Cinema;

    public class CinemaEngine : ICinema {

    // Add polymorphism to the class defined in a different project.
    public static class CinemaFactoryHelper {
        public static ICinema GetCinema (this CinemaFactory _This) {
            return new CinemaEngine ();

namespace Cinema.Client1 {
    using Cinema;

    public class Consumer1 {
        // Intellisense shows that there are no overloads to the GetCinema() method. Yay!
        private ICinema ref = CinemaFactory.Instance.GetCinema (EndpointAddress10.FromEndpointAddress (new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost"));

namespace Cinema.Client2 {
    using Cinema;
    using Cinema.Engine; // Add visibility to the extension method that provides a local instance of the engine.

    public class Consumer2 {
        // Intellisense shows the method +1 overload. Yay!
        private ICinema ref = CinemaFactory.Instance.GetCinema ();
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