C++ – Is Defining ‘#define me (*this)’ a Good Idea?


This macro can be defined in some global header, or better, as a compiler command line parameter:

#define me (*this)

And some usage example:


inline void Update()
    /* ... */


#include "some_header.h"

class A {
    void SetX(int x)
        me.x = x;   

    void SomeOtherFunction()

        100 or more lines

    void Update()
        // ... 

    int x;  

So in a class method when I access a class member, I am always using me, and when accessing a global identifier I always use ::. This gives the reader which is not familiar with the code (probably myself after a few months) localized information of what is accessed without the need to look somewhere else. I want to define me because I find using this-> everywhere too noisy and ugly. But can #define me (*this) be considered a good C++ practice? Are there some practical problematic points with the me macro? And if you as C++ programmer will be the reader of some code using the me macro, would you like it or not?

Edit: Because many people arguing not specificaly contra using me, but generaly contra explicit this. I think it may not be clear what are benefits of "explicit this everywhere".

What are benefits of "explicit this everywhere"?

  • As a reader of the code you have certainty what is accessed and you can concentrate on different things than verify – in some distant code – that is really accessed what you think is accessed.
  • You can use search function more specifically. Search "this->x" can give you more wanted results than only search "x"
  • When you are deleting or renaming some member, compiler reliably notifies you at places where is this member used. (Some global function can have same name and exist chance you can introduce error if you are not using explicit this).
  • When you are refactoring code and making non-member function from member (to make better encapsulation) explicit this shows you place which you must edit and you can easily replace this with pointer to instance of class given as non-member function parameter
  • Generally when you are changing code, there are more posibilities to errors when you are not using explicit this than when you are use explicit this everywhere.
  • Explicit this is less noisy than explicit „m_“ when you are acessing member from outside (object.member vs object.m_member) (thanks to @Kaz to spot this point)
  • Explicit this solves problem universaly for all members – attributes and methods, whereas „m_“ or other prefix is practicaly usable only for attributes.

I would like to polish and extend this list, tell me if you know about other advantages and use cases for explicit this everywhere.

Best Answer

No, it is not.

Mind the programmer who will maintain your code several years from now long after you've left for greener pastures and follow common conventions of the language you use. In C++, you almost never have to write this, because the class is included in symbol resolution order and when a symbol is found in class scope, this-> is implied. So just don't write it like everybody does.

If you often get confused which symbols come from class scope, the usual approach is using common naming pattern for members (fields and sometimes private methods; I haven't seen it used for public methods). Common ones include suffixing with _ or prefixing with m_ or m.

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