Explicit Casting Operator in C# – Reasonable or Hack?

cnetobject-orientedtype casting

I have a big object:

class BigObject{
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string FieldA {get;set;}
    // ...
    public string FieldZ {get;set;}

and a specialized, DTO-like object:

class SmallObject{
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public EnumType Type {get;set;}
    public string FieldC {get;set;}
    public string FieldN {get;set;}

I personally find a concept of explicitly casting BigObject into SmallObject – knowing that it is a one-way, data-losing operation – very intuitive and readable:

var small = (SmallObject) bigOne;

It is implemented using explicit operator:

public static explicit operator SmallObject(BigObject big){
    return new SmallObject{
        Id = big.Id,
        FieldC = big.FieldC,
        FieldN = big.FieldN,
        EnumType = MyEnum.BigObjectSpecific

Now, I could create a SmallObjectFactory class with FromBigObject(BigObject big) method, that would do the same thing, add it to dependency injection and call it when needed… but to me it seems even more overcomplicated and unnecessary.

PS I'm not sure if this is relevant, but there will be OtherBigObject that will also be able to be converted into SmallObject, setting different EnumType.

Best Answer

None of the other answers have it right in my humble opinion. In this stackoverflow question the highest-voted answer argues that mapping code should be kept out of the domain. To answer your question, no - your usage of the cast operator is not great. I would advise to make a mapping service which sits between your DTO and you domain object, or you could use automapper for that.