C++ – Iterator Lifetime and Detecting Invalidation


Based on what's considered idiomatic in C++11:

  • should an iterator into a custom container survive the container itself being destroyed?
  • should it be possible to detect when an iterator becomes invalidated?
  • are the above conditional on "debug builds" in practice?

Details: I've recently been brushing up on my C++ and learning my way around C++11. As part of that, I've been writing an idiomatic wrapper around the uriparser library. Part of this is wrapping the linked list representation of parsed path components. I'm looking for advice on what's idiomatic for containers.

One thing that worries me, coming most recently from garbage-collected languages, is ensuring that random objects don't just go disappearing on users if they make a mistake regarding lifetimes. To account for this, both the PathList container and its iterators keep a shared_ptr to the actual internal state object. This ensures that as long as anything pointing into that data exists, so does the data.

However, looking at the STL (and lots of searching), it doesn't look like C++ containers guarantee this. I have this horrible suspicion that the expectation is to just let containers be destroyed, invalidating any iterators along with it. std::vector certainly seems to let iterators get invalidated and still (incorrectly) function.

What I want to know is: what is expected from "good"/idiomatic C++11 code? Given the shiny new smart pointers, it seems kind of strange that STL allows you to easily blow your legs off by accidentally leaking an iterator. Is using shared_ptr to the backing data an unnecessary inefficiency, a good idea for debugging or something expected that STL just doesn't do?

(I'm hoping that grounding this to "idiomatic C++11" avoids charges of subjectivity…)

Best Answer

Is using shared_ptr to the backing data an unnecessary inefficiency

Yes - it forces an extra indirection and an extra allocation per element, and in multithreaded programs each increment/decrement of the reference count is extra expensive even if a given container is used only inside a single thread.

All of these might be fine, and even desirable, in some situations, but the general rule is not to impose unnecessary overheads which the user cannot avoid, even when they're useless.

Since none of these overheads are necessary, but are rather debugging niceties (and remember, incorrect iterator lifetime is a static logic bug, not some weird runtime behaviour), no-one would thank you for slowing down their correct code to catch your bugs.

So, to the original question:

should an iterator into a custom container survive the container itself being destroyed?

the real question is, should the cost of tracking all live iterators into a container, and invalidating them when the container is destroyed, be foisted on people whose code is correct?

I think probably not, although if there is some case where it's genuinely hard to manage iterator lifetimes correctly and you're willing to take the hit, a dedicated container (or container adapter) that provides this service could be added as an option.

Alternatively, switching to a debug implementation based on a compiler flag might be reasonable, but it's a much bigger and more expensive change than most that are controlled by DEBUG/NDEBUG. It's certainly a bigger change than either removing assert statements or using a debugging allocator.

I forgot to mention, but your solution of using shared_ptr everywhere doesn't necessarily fix your bug anyway: it may merely exchange it for a different bug, namely a memory leak.

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