C++ Coding Style – Implementing Java Style Classes


I came across this article proposing a style of coding in c++ that looks a bit weird at first. But after reading it over and pondering for a bit I'm really considering giving it a try.

The most appealing benefit is the ease of refactoring methods. I find myself constantly changing method names, parameters and so on while writing a new class and in c++ it's quite annoying having to change a method name in two files (.h, .cpp).

I tried to find something wrong with this style but apart from the fact that the code will look and feel really strange to seasoned c++ programmers I can't spot any major flaw. But since I am quite a inexperienced c++ programmer I hope that someone here might alert me to any potential dangers.

So my question is:

Are there any serious drawbacks of using this style of coding?

Best Answer

Yes, you're going to confuse other C++ programmers if you write all your code like that. I have never seen non-template C++ code written that way, with everything in the header file. This has been discussed in depth in a Stack Overflow question as well.

As for actual technical problems with it, a few things come to mind.

  • All your code effectively becomes inline. Your compile times will likely increase.
  • Every recompile will compile the world simply because it has to.
  • You'll have to be careful to not run afoul of the One Definition Rule. Variable names will have to be unique across all source files, since it effectively becomes one giant file.

You also might want to check out the D programming language, which I hear solves a lot of these problems. The D compiler is designed with this style in mind and doesn't have 30 years of C backward compatibility to support.

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