C# – Mapping API models(DTOs) to rich domain models


How to implement HTTP's PUT that works with child collections when using DDD's rich domain models?

Let's say we've got an aggregate root with a nicely encapsulated collection of items:

(I omitted persistence specific properties like Id for brevity)

public class Foo : IAggregateRoot
    private readonly List<Bar> _items = new List<Bar>();

    public IReadOnlyCollection<Bar> Items => _items;

    public void AddItem(Bar bar)

    public void RemoveItem(Bar bar)

Now we want to implement PUT /foos/{id} where you pass DTO like:

public class FooDto
    public IEnumerable<BarDto> Items { get; set }

Now the problem is we can't simply map FooDto to Foo. It becomes a complex problem to solve, especially when you want to remove some Bar from Items.

We're left with two options:

  • Create 2 separate routes for adding and removing items, like POST /foos/{id}/items and DELETE /foos/{fooId}/items/{itemId}
  • Write some twisted logic to compare changes in collection and based on that deduce what was added and removed and call AddItem or RemoveItem respectively

Is there anything I am missing here or doing wrong? Would I be better off using anemic domain models to simplify implementation of Web API? That would mean Web API would dictate how my domain models should look like and I think it's a bit wrong.

A similar question I've found while looking for solutions: Do RESTful APIs tend to encourage anemic domain models?

Best Answer

I wouldn't consider your option #2 as "twisted logic".

You just need an equality function (something to determine if two Bars are the same) and then:

toAdd = elements in newItems that don't exist in currentItems
toDelete = elements currentItems that don't exist in newItems

I don't know C#, but in pseudo-code could be something like this:

for e in newItems:
    if not e in currentItems:

for e in currentItems:
    if not e in newItems:
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