MVVM Reporting App – Data Access Layer Approach


I'm trying to follow the MVVM pattern in a reporting / statistics application that I'm making in C# / WPF.

I have made many model classes to hold properties as a starting point. Some of these models are made to encapsulate different statistics so that I can present data that can be cross refrenced.

I'm thinking the next step is to create a data access layer with classes and methods to connect to a database and grab the values to populate these models.

I was thinking of creating a connection and query passing class. Then other classes for each specific set of data that I will need for the models. (constructing queries to pass)

From what I understand I will be calling these data access layer methods from the view model to populate instances of my models. Which I will present with the view.

Is my approach in theory the correct standard way to approach this problem? Any suggestions? Or Reference Material?

Best Answer

You're definitely on the right track in making a Data Access Layer, although I would suggest making it more like a mysterious black box whose inner workings are unknown.

What I mean by this is your objects should be able to use the DAL to get/save objects, but they should have no idea how the data is actually obtained.

For example, instead of your ViewModel saying DAL.GetDataSet(someConnection, someQuery), you should call DAL.GetAccounts() which returns a list of AccountModel objects. The ViewModel should not care how or where the data is obtained from, only that it can magically get the objects it needs from the mysterious DAL object.

This keeps your data layer entirely separate, so if you ever need to change it out or adjust the queries, its all in one central location.

As a side note, your ViewModels should be the layer accessing the DAL. Models are simply dumb objects which contain data. They should have no advanced functionality, such as data access.