C++ – Handling Naming Conflicts with Namespaces and Header Guards


C++ has namespaces to prevent collisions of things with the same name.

Header guards serve a different purpose. They prevent includeing the same header twice. However, they can suffer from the same problem: what if two header guards from different files use the same popular name? What if there are two libraries that have a LinkedList class:

#ifndef LinkedList_H
#define LinkedList_H

// stuff


Why are those two means to uniquely identify code so different?
It's like one sophisticated language feature on one side and some macro contraption with an arbitrary string on the other.
Why are naming conflicts not a problem for header guards? Shouldn't the namespace be part of the header guard, to make it as unique as the namespace, so that it not only prevents duplicated include but also naming conflicts?

Best Answer

One method I use is to build a more complex macro name that has a practically zero chance of colliding with other names. This could be built from the following components:

  • Project name
  • Namespace name
  • File name
  • Random number or GUID


#define ...

Overkill? Yes. Easy to do? Yes. Has such an infinitesimally small chance of a collision that I can write and forget about it? Yes.