C# – .Net Best Practices : Common Bugs Introduced By Refactoring, Carelessness, and Newbies


What are the common bugs introduced by refactoring, carelessness, and newbies?

I would like to request the experienced programmers here to share their experience and list the bugs they used to introduce when they were inexperienced.

In your response, please write a headline mentioning the kind of bug in bold text, followed by few linebreaks, and then an explanation, cause of the bug, and finally the fix.

Best Answer

Manually written values instead of constants


public District GetDefaultDistrict() {
  return GetById(1);

public IList<Revenue> GetRevenues() {
  return GetByCodes(new [] { 8010, 8011, 8096 });

and thousands of use of 1, 8010, 8011 and 8096 in other places. Try to image if the default district now is 2 and 8011 moved to 8012.


public District GetDefaultDistrict() {
  return GetById(Consts.DEFAULT_DISTRICT_ID);

public IList<Revenue> GetRevenues() {
  return GetByCodes(Consts.REVENUE_CODES);

and use this constants everywhere where you need to determine default district id and/or other static values.

Or even:

public IList<Revenue> GetRevenues() {
  var codes = GetRevenueCodes(); // get from db
  return GetByCodes(codes);

to get actual values from db. But this is just an example.