C# – Null or empty object when LINQ to Entities query returns nothing


Say I have a LINQ query like this:

application = CreditDatabase
                        .Where(c => c.uID == urID)

It returns null if the LINQ query returns an empty result set. Is this "correct". Is it better to return an empty object? If so then how can I do that? This link says it is not possible to return a non-null reference type: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb360179(v=vs.110).aspx

Best Answer

Database queries return result sets. An empty set is a reasonable answer; it means you don't have any of the things searched for.

I would argue that your code is going to far in canonicalization of the result.

Your code (somewhere shortly after this line) is going to check to see if the application you just searched for exists or not, so you are not preventing the subsequent conditional logic (not shown in your question) in your code by doing .FirstOrDefault().

You can — and I argue should — instead: check for the empty set (i.e. use the size of the result set, maybe with .Any()) to see if the application exists. That is substantially cleaner than converting the empty set to default and then taking the first and finally later checking that for null to see if the application of interest exists.

Rather than going this far:

application = CreditDatabase
                    .Where(c => c.uID == urID)
if ( application == null ) {
   // handle missing application, maybe add it...
} else {
    // use the found application

Omit the default handling; instead:

search = CreditDatabase
                    .Where(c => c.uID == urID);
if ( ! search.Any () ) {
    // handle missing application, maybe add it...
} else {
    application = search.Single ();
    // use the found application

Addendum: In the above application = search.Single (), I have used .Single() instead of .First() since excepting if the non-empty result set has more than one match makes sense here: it is a lookup by what we presume is an exact match of unique primary key (otherwise as @JacquesB points out, since the query isn't ordered, we don't really know what we're keeping and what we're throwing away with .First()).