C# – Passing Anonymous Type to a Bound Control


Generally speaking, I'm fairly opposed to the use of anonymous types in real-world code (except in LINQ and some other specific scenarios), but I'm looking right now at a situation where I need to bind an ASP GridView control with a collection of tuple values and they're looking pretty tempting.

Basically, I need to show a list of proprietary accounts that are associated with different computer names. I don't currently have a type that contains those two properties because I don't use them together like this anywhere else.

What I would normally do in a situation like this is just create a new class that has the properties, set the ItemType on the GridView to reference that type, then build objects of that type in my Select method (I use ObjectDataSource much of the time). But I'm thinking now that there's really no benefit to throwing in that extra class, since no matter what it's getting bound via reflection.

Is there any reason to shy away from using anonymous types in data-binding situations like this?

I'd accept anything: performance, readability, maintainability, principle, or whatever else you can throw at me. But the only disadvantage I can think of is if I wanted to use the Item property to use Intellisense for my data-binding, but in this particular case I have no use for anything more than BoundFields. Of course, this is all based on the assumption that it even works, admittedly I haven't tried it yet with anonymous types, so it might just not be supported for one reason or another.

Best Answer


And your assumption about it not being statically typed is wrong too.

From the documentation:

Anonymous types are class types that derive directly from object, and that cannot be cast to any type except object. The compiler provides a name for each anonymous type, although your application cannot access it. From the perspective of the common language runtime, an anonymous type is no different from any other reference type.

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