C# – Preventing some downsides of a static class


Here is my situation. I have implemented the accepted .NET 4.0 answer in this question, which is working.

However, my codebase is quite large and as responsible for this code I've started getting inquiries regarding this solution. I've been asked if there are no easier ways of accomplishing the same thing, and if there is any way to shorten the usage.

In almost all cases, this class is used to get or set a single property only. This favors other solutions, since the usage ends up like this: new UserSessionData().CustomerNumber = 123;

The closest thing I have is a class (static or not) with static members and methods, like this:

public static class UserSessionData
    public static Dictionary<string, string> AsDictionary()
        return typeof(UserSessionData).GetProperties()
                   .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.GetValue(null, null) as string);
    private static string Get(Expression<Func<string>> e)
        var me = e.Body as MemberExpression;
        return ExternalInterfaceClass.Get(me.Member.Name);
    private static void Set(Expression<Func<string>> e, string value)
        var me = e.Body as MemberExpression;
        ExternalInterfaceClass.Set(me.Member.Name, value);

    public static string CustomerNumber {
        get { return Get(() => CustomerNumber); }
        set { Set(() => CustomerNumber, value); }

    // ... and hundreds more properties similar to "CustomerNumber"

This feels like a quite good solution:

  • It's strongly typed (i.e. I can easily refactor CustomerNumber throughout)
  • Usage is great (UserSessionData.CustomerNumber = 123;)
  • The boilerplate is not that ugly – I think it's acceptable

However, there is one issue that I can't wrap my head around. Sometimes we need to be able to use this a little differently, A) as a return type and B) bulk-editing the structure before saving. As for A, I understand that a static class cannot be used as a return type, however I don't know what my alternatives would be in this specific situation?

As for B, I guess that I could delay the actual saving by providing a stated subclass and requiring explicit save, but the usage would be worsened for the normal use case (setting or getting a single property) since every one-liner would have to be followed by a call to the save method.

I thought about creating an interface for the class but interfaces can't define static properties. I'm feeling a little muddled here, help is appreciated. Please provide a minimal code example when presenting your thoughts, if possible – it clarifies the point a lot.

Best Answer

It's not exactly an answer to your question but have you looked into T4 templates?

I get the impression you are manually coding those boilerplate properties. If they do indeed follow an almost identical pattern and you would like strong typing try writing code that generates code...

A T4 allows you to iterate through your items and essentially build up a code file, which will be evaluated as you compile, this would mean as you add/remove items to/from your session data it will add/delete those accessors and keep your code up to date and allow you to only set your design standard in one place and have it auto propagate in a loop across all future properties.

A common example of why/where you would use this would be a roll-your-own ORM systems to map a table to a database table without a huge library if you don't need all the CRUD operations...