Reading Specific Types of Input from a File in C++

cclassfile handling

I have a software that reads from a file. Each object in the software takes 7 inputs viz.

string string string float string float int

I have an input file. It contains a number of input values. If input for one object is like:

hss cscf "serving cscf" 32.5 ims 112.134 124

(Note: when an object's variable needs multi word string, I used "….", for single word string, it is without quotes)

How can I read it using ifstream? (I searched google but didn't find.)

I tried to read entire line using getline and but again got stuck when it came to find out whether its a single word or multi word input! I thought to read a line and then search char by char. If its '"', I know its a multi word. But I stuck when it comes to an integer or float. For char, you can use


but how to go ahead when integer or float is the next value?

Please give some suggestions for this.

Best Answer

You can differentiate numbers from words by looking at the characters within them. Basically, if a word contains exclusively [0-9.], you can assume it's a number.

In the same way, if an assumed number contains only [0-9], it's an integer. Otherwise, it's a float.

Beware of edge cases:

  • Cultures matter. In French, for example, you don't write 19.95, but 19,95. Even worse, the number 1 582.16 can be written 1582.16, 1,582.16, 1.582,16, etc., depending on the culture.

  • How do you escape strings? What if a multiword string contains a quote character?

  • Unicode can make things difficult, since unicode characters can be normalized and decomposed.

  • What if, one day, you need to have a word which has only digits, but still be interpreted as a word?

Side note: couldn't you reuse an existent format, like JSON, with already written and tested parsers? See also: How are new file formats constructed?