C++ – Reference vs dereference pointers in arguments C++/C


OK, I'm facing this all the time in many functions I write, which should I use?

void sth(int* a)
void sth(int& a)

Which one is faster, regarding two separate occasions: a is a small variable or a is a large data struct.

I would like a deep answers with pertinence to the actual hardware and stack process.

Best Answer

Most compilers will implement references as pointers. So the deep answer to your question is that there will be absolutely no difference in terms of performance between the two. (Doesn't change aliasing analysis either as far as I know.)

If you want to be 100% sure of that statement, inspect your compiler's output.

struct Small {
    int s;
void foo(Small* s)
    s->s = 1;
void bar(Small& s)
    s.s = 1;

Compiled with clang++ -O2, saving the assembly:

_Z3fooP5Small:                          # @_Z3fooP5Small
# BB#0:
    movl    $1, (%rdi)
_Z3barR5Small:                          # @_Z3barR5Small
# BB#0:
    movl    $1, (%rdi)

You can try that with a large struct or an enormously complex struct - doesn't matter, all you're passing in to the function is a pointer.

That being said, there are semantic differences between the two. The most important one being that, as long as your program is free of undefined behavior, the overload that takes a reference is guaranteed to get a reference to a valid, live object. The pointer overload isn't.

Also assigning to s in these two examples has completely different meanings. It would replace the pointer in the first function (i.e. whatever it pointed to remains unchanged, but becomes unreachable from within that function; caller unaffected by the assignment).
In the second, it would call the appropriate assignment operator en the object passed in (effect visible from the caller).

So your choice shouldn't be made on a potential performance difference (there will generally be none), but on semantics. What you need the function to be able to do, and how you should be able to call it, will dictate what overload(s) you need to provide.