C# – Should a c# dev switch to VB.net when the team language base is mixed


I recently joined a new development team where the language preferences are mixed on the .net platform.

  • Dev 1: Knows VB.net, does not know c#

  • Dev 2: Knows VB.net, does not know c#

  • Dev 3: Knows c# and VB.net, prefers c#

  • Dev 4: Knows c# and VB6(VB.net should be pretty easy to pick up),
    prefers c#

It seems to me that the thought leaders in the .net space are c# devs almost universally. I also thought that some 3rd party tools didn't support VB.net but when I started looking into it I didn't find any good examples.

I would prefer to get the whole team on c# but if there isn't any good reason to force the issue aside from preference then I don't think that is the right choice.

Are there any reasons I should lead folks away from VB.net?

Best Answer

There's no truly compelling reason to force someone to change languages unless one has a feature that's going to be particularly useful or time-saving for your project(s). They'll both compile down to IL and perform equivalently (assuming that Option Strict is on in VB.NET...otherwise you can incur penalties for late binding). Everything else truly is preferential (not to dismiss that at all, but it's not an objective metric).

I would suggest looking at job listings in your area and see which language is more prevalent both in work supply (i.e. the labor pool for both languages). Seeing which one will provide you with a bigger or better labor pool is probably going to be your most compelling metric.

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