C++ Unit Testing – Should Header Files Be Mocked?

cunit testing

So, I am part of a very large project which has, as yet, no unit testing (shudder!) and I want to introduce it.

I plan on using Google Test and Google mocks.

The code is large and unwieldy and suffers from "header spaghetti".

If I wish, for simplicities sake, to test only a.cpp which calls only a single function in b.cpp, then I can use Google Mock to generate a mock for b.cpp.

However, if I #include b.h in a.cpp and in my test suite, I find that b.h #includes a number of other headers, which in turn … in the end, I am #including hundreds of headers.

There will be no restructuring of header files (any time soon, if ever). I just have to live with that.

Until now, the code has only been built as a complete system, for an ARM processor, and now I want to build a.cpp plus b.cpp plus Google test to run on Linux.

I am having major problems as there are several hundred (!) compiler switches in the system build and I can't easily see which are needed where, which are ARM only, what would replace them for Linux, etc.

Plus, some of them contain #defines which expand to function calls (especially from trace log, but also for others), and I don't know where to find those in order to mock them.

Finally the question: how is this normally handled? Should I make a mock of b.h, which contains only what is needed by a.cpp?

If so, do I have to do it manually, or can Google Mock help in any way?

And, nope, the code won't be restructured; at least not immediately, for fears of destabilizing it.

I really do not like the idea of pulling in the majority of headers in the system, but nor can I find an easy way to mock them 🙁

Best Answer

Since you are working on a legacy system (no unit tests), you are going to find it quite hard without modifying the code and refactoring.

The best use of mocks is with some kind of dependency injection. Injecting a mock object, instead of the real class. And not with injecting dependency by linking different object file (what you are trying to do).

The best way to start is to find what you can unit test, without using mocks. Then when you have time for refactoring, adjust the classes to somehow inject dependency and then use mocks.

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