C/C++ Terminology – Should the Term Be Used?


I understand C and C++ are different languages but when I was learning C++ I was always told that C is a subset of C++ or C++ is C with classes. And that was quite true until the appearance of C++x0, C++11 (or the modern C++ 11/14/17 in general). In fact (especially when working on embedded systems) it's very likely to find code written in C++ but with a lot of parts written entirely in pure C language. Here I have several questions:

  1. Should I stop using the term C/C++?
  2. If the answer to #1 is yes, how would I call a program that use a mix of C and C++?
  3. Given that both of them are 'different' languages is it likely that at some point C++ compilers stop supporting code written in the C language (since modern c++ is diverging from the C mentality for basic stuff like pointers, dynamic memory handling, etc)
  4. Is there right now any collaboration between the people who makes the standards of C/C++ to keep the compatibility
  5. If #4 is yes, such collaboration could end up in the near future with the appearance of the modern c++ (11/14/17)

I know that there already similar questions, but I'm sure that a lot of people share these questions so I'm very interested to get good answers especially for the points that have to do with the C++ tendency in the near future.

Best Answer

C was never a subset of C++. The most obvious example of this is int new;. This has been true since C89 and C++98, and the languages have only grown further from each other as new standards have come out.

Should I stop using the term C/C++


If the answer to #1 is yes, how would I call a program that use a mix of C and C++?

A source file is written in one language or the other. A program can consist of code from multiple languages working together, or an executable produced by linking different compiled objects. You would say the program was written in C and C++, "C/C++" is not a language.

Given that both of them are 'different' languages is it likely that at some point C++ compilers stop supporting code written in the C language

  1. They never did. char *a = malloc(10);. C and C++ have never been fully compatible for at least as long as they've had ISO standards (I don't know all the details about the pre-standardized days). click the links or see below for a file that is fine with C89 and up, but isn't valid under any C++ standard.

  2. afaik no, but I don't know much about the C working group.

/* A bunch of code that compiles and runs under C89 but fails under any C++ */

/* type aliases and struct names occupy separate namespaces in C, not in C++ */
struct S { int i; };
typedef int S;

struct Outer { struct Inner { int i; } in; };
/* struct Inner will be Outer::Inner in C++ due to name scope */
struct Inner inner;

/* default return type of int in C, C++ functions need explicit return types */
g() {
    return 0;

/* C sees this as two declarations of the same integer,
 * C++ sees it as redefinition */
int n;
int n;

/* K&R style argument type declarations */
void h(i) int i; { }

/* struct type declaration in return type */
struct S2{int a;} j(void) { struct S2 s = {1}; return s; }

/* struct type declaration in argument, stupid and useless, but valid */
/*void dumb(struct S3{int a;} s) { } */

/* enum/int assignment */
enum E{A, B};
enum E e = 1;

void k() {
    goto label; /* C allows jumping past an initialization */
        int x = 0;
        x = 1;

/* () in declaration means unspecified number of arguments in C, the definition
 * can take any number of arguments,
 * but means the same as (void) in C++  (definition below main) */
void f();

int main(void) {
    f(1); /* doesn't match declaration in C++ */
        /* new is a keyword in C++ */
        int new = 0;

    /* no stdio.h include results in implicit definiton in C.  However,
     * as long as a matching function is found at link-time, it's fine.
     * C++ requires a declaration for all called functions */
    puts("C is not C++");
        int *ip;
        void *vp = 0;
        ip = vp; /* cast required in C++, not in C */
    return 0;

/* matches declaration in C, not in C++ */
void f(int i) { }

I always feel it's worth mentioning that C is a subset of Objective-C.

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