C# – Should the sender of an event always be a generic Object


When programming events in C#, it is advised to create a delegate in form of:

delegate XEventHandler(object sender, XEventArgs e);

My question is on the first argument of the delegate, object sender. Does it always have to be a generic object? Having a sender of type object always results in code similar to this.

val = ((ConcreteType)sender).Property;

or, even more verbose,

ConcreteType obj = sender as ConcreteType
if (obj != null) { ... }

One argument against strongly typed senders is that other objects can forward the event without worrying about the type. While this might make sense in GUI environments, I am not sure if it could benefit outside a GUI.

What if the class of the sender is always known (at least as an abstract class)? For example, if I am implementing a ListChanged event in an abstract List class, and if other classes are going to inherit it (e.g. LinkedList, ArrayList), is it all right to define my delegate with a sender of type List?

delegate ListChangedEventHander(List sender, ListChangedEventArgs e);

Or, would there be a downside of changing the conventional object sender to a more specific type?

Best Answer

At this point, it is mostly a (pretty strong) convention. That is, it will be weird if you write a library that does not follow that convention.

The Event Design Guidelines say:

DO use object as the type of the first parameter of the event handler, and call it sender.

However, you may note that current guidance says that you should not define your own custom delegate for events, but use EventHandler<T> instead, if you can.

As for the design, I would guess that it also promotes the reuse of event handlers, even in contexts not originally foreseen by the original designer of the event.