SOLID Principles – Code Structure and Best Practices


At a recent job interview, I couldn't answer a question about SOLID — beyond providing the basic meaning of the various principles. It really bugs me. I have done a couple of days worth of digging around and have yet to come up with a satisfactory summary.

The interview question was:

If you were to look at a .Net project that I told you strictly followed SOLID principles, what would you expect to see in terms of the project and code structure?

I floundered around a bit, didn't really answer the question, and then bombed out.

How could I have better handled this question?

Best Answer

S = Single Responsibility Principle

So I'd expect to see a well organised folder/file structure & Object Hierarchy. Each class/piece of functionality should be named that its functionality is very obvious, and it should only contain logic to perform that task.

If you saw huge manager classes with thousand of lines of code, that would be a sign that single responsibility wasn't being followed.

O = Open/closed Principle

This is basically the idea that new functionality should be added through new classes that have a minimum of impact on/require modification of existing functionality.

I'd expect to see lots of use of object inheritance, sub-typing, interfaces and abstract classes to separate out the design of a piece of functionality from the actual implementation, allowing others to come along and implement other versions along side without affecting the original.

L = Liskov substitution principle

This has to do with the ability to treat sub-types as their parent type. This comes out of the box in C# if you are implementing a proper inherited object hierarchy.

I'd expect to see code treating common objects as their base type and calling methods on the base/abstract classes rather than instantiating and working on the sub-types themselves.

I = Interface Segregation Principle

This is similar to SRP. Basically, you define smaller subsets of functionality as interfaces and work with those to keep your system decoupled (e.g. a FileManager might have the single responsibilty of dealing with File I/O, but that could implement a IFileReader and IFileWriter which contained the specific method definitions for the reading and writing of files).

D = Dependency Inversion Principle.

Again this relates to keeping a system decoupled. Perhaps you'd be on the lookout for the use of a .NET Dependency Injection library, being used in the solution such as Unity or Ninject or a ServiceLocator system such as AutoFacServiceLocator.

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