C# Testing – Stubbing Properties with Private Setters for Tests


We have the object

public class MyObject{
    protected MyObject(){}

    public string Property1 {get;private set;}
    public string Property2 {get;private set;}
    public string Property3 {get;private set;}
    public string Property4 {get;private set;}
    public string Property5 {get;private set;}
    public string Property6 {get;private set;}
    public string Property7 {get;private set;}
    public string Property8 {get;private set;}
    public string Property9 {get;private set;}
    public string Property10 {get;private set;}

In our production code we populate this object through automapper. It can access the properties and set them correctly.

Now when we want to test this class in a future pipeline it is not possible to populate the properties with dummy values (to be tested against).

There are a few options available.

  • Custom constructors to accept the parameters required for the tests and set the properties, currently 3 constructors are required. This is not clean since the constructors do not serve any business functionality.

  • Make the properties virtual so the class can be stubbed. But marking the properties virtual does not provide any business value and pollute my class.

  • Add an object builder to the class to internally construct the object. Again no added business value. Perhaps a bit cleaner but still a lot of non relevant code in the domain objects.

Any suggestions, advice or alternative options here?

Best Answer

You have a number of options.

  • Go ahead and use custom constructors, virtual properties, or an object builder. The rationale behind this is that an object should stand on its own, and not depend on some magic like the automapper. A class which is completely useless unless there is some magic going on is not a very well thought of class. "Business value" is not the only determinant of a good design.

  • Include the automapper in the testing process. Some will say this is not a unit test anymore. It does not matter. Unit testing is not the only kind of testing.

  • Implement something which provides the functionality of automapper specifically for testing. You can easily write a little utility which will use reflection to populate your object from a dictionary containing property names and values.

Also take a look at this question & answer: Would you rather make private stuff internal/public for tests, or use some kind of hack like PrivateObject?

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