C++ – Teaching C++ to first time high school students: Where to draw the line


I will be mentoring a team of high school students for the FIRST Robotics Competition, most teams here develop[ their robot software using C++. For many of the students on the team this will be their first introduction to programming. I wouldn't have chosen C++ for teaching programming to high schoolers (e.g. Python or Javascript would have been easier I think) but the choice is set.

I want to teach them proper C++ (i.e. avoid a mixed C/C++ dialect, i.e. C+) but I don't want to scare them either with needless complexity. For that matter:

  • Should I start using STL from day one, esp. vector or just stick with standard arrays? Arrays are easier to introduce but the pointer errors may be harder to catch.
  • For I/O, should I stick to cout, etc. or do you think printf would be easier to learn?
  • Are there any online resources for C++ that are suitable to use for such young learners?


EDIT: Thanks for so many excellent answers. In addition to Accelerated C++, which is suggested by many people, I have found that C++ For Everyone is an excellent text.

Best Answer

I think you should start with the data types that the language has built in like arrays and pointers, and when your students comprehend those, move on to classes and OO, then the STL.

The reason is that you can teach people to understand arrays without understanding much else besides variables and the underlying computer architecture, but you can't teach them to understand vector without teaching them classes first. If you use the STL from the get go, your students will have to just live with not having a clue about how vector works exactly. And then when you get to that point, they won't have a good enough grasp of pointers and arrays and things that you get from doing stuff like writing your own vector class, writing your own linked list class, etc. that will be necessary to appreciate and exploit its features. It annoys me when students say "what's that?" and teachers say "just ignore it, you'll learn it later."

And as Demian pointed out in the comments, deciphering the relatively cryptic messages you get from template errors is significantly harder than understanding the errors you may get from arrays/non-template constructs.

I do not feel the same way about cout and printf. Neither is any lower-level than the other, except that cout uses operator overloading.

This may seem stupid, but I am absolutely fanatic about having people understand the very basic building blocks of everything before moving on to the abstractions. You shouldn't use smart pointers until you're proficient with raw pointers, no vectors before arrays, that sort of thing.

I often say this, but I'll say it again: it's better to teach students long division first and then let them use a calculator than to let them use a calculator then teach them long division afterwards.

As for books to teach beginners, see the master list of good C++ books.