C++ Serialization – Best Way to Save Data: Binary vs JSON


We are implementing a CAD program (in C++, Qt) where we have interdependant classes :
The smallest brick is the Pattern, it is just a distribution of points. Then we have Layouts which contain Patterns at a given height (z = constant). And finally Stacks, which are a stacking of Layout.

All these entities have a unique id and can also have a list of masks which are applied to it.

Knowing that each of the classes are linked (std::vector of pointers everywhere) by a tree structure, what would be the best way to save a project countaining several stacks ? The objective of saving would be to later load again the project and modify it.

We already looked into Boost and Qt Serialization but it seems to me that binary Serialization may be way too much for what we want to do (as it needs time to be integrated). On the other hand we tought about an XML/JSON serialization, having something which would look like this :

 <id> 12</id>
 <z> 0</z>
  <pattern id> pattern0</pattern id>
  <pattern id> pattern1</pattern id>

Are they some other ways ? What would be the best one and why ? We lack of objectivity on this point.

Best Answer

First thing I would check is if using an existing CAD format would not be sufficient. That would not only prevent you from reinventing the wheel, but also improve the interoperability with other CAD programs. Moreover, adapting the terms of such a format like "Layers" and "Entities", instead of using terms like "layouts" and "patterns" (which have typically different meanings in other CAD systems), you might be able to reduce communication issues.

If you really feel you need to create your own file format, make sure you can keep the format backwards compatible with each new version of your CAD system, otherwise you will run sooner or later into problems. This is much simpler when your format provides a lot of metadata. In my experience, formats like XML or JSON make it easier to fulfill this requirement than proprietary binary formats. The decision between these two is surely pretty opinonated. XML is still more wideley used and supported by a lot more third party tools. It will allow you easier integration of other existing XML based standards. On the other hand, it has the drawback that the files tend to become very big, much bigger than a typical JSON file carrying the same information. This is a tradeoff you need to consider for your use case.

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