Functional Programming – Alternative to Interfaces in Functional Programming

cfunctional programminginterfacesparadigms

If I want to program in a "functional" style, with what would I replace an interface?

interface IFace
   string Name { get; set; }
   int Id { get; }
class Foo : IFace { ... }

Maybe a Tuple<>?

Tuple<Func<string> /*get_Name*/, Action<String> /*set_Name*/, Func<int> /*get_Id*/> Foo;

The only reason I'm using an interface in the first place is because I want always want certain properties/methods available.

Edit: Some more detail about what I'm thinking/attempting.

Say, I've got a method which takes three functions:

static class Blarf
   public static void DoSomething(Func<string> getName, Action<string> setName, Func<int> getId);

With an instance of Bar I can use this method:

class Bar
   public string GetName();
   public void SetName(string value);

   public int GetId();
var bar = new Bar();
Blarf.DoSomething(bar.GetName, bar.SetName, bar.GetId);

But that's a bit of a pain as I have to mention bar three times in a single call. Plus, I don't really intend for callers to supply functions from different instances

Blarf.DoSomething(bar1.GetName, bar2.SetName, bar3.GetId); // NO!

In C#, an interface is one way to deal with this; but that seems like a very object-oriented approach. I'm wondering if there's a more functional solution: 1) pass the group of functions together, and 2) ensure the functions are properly related to each other.

Best Answer

Don't treat functional programming as a thin veneer over imperative programming; there's much more than just a syntactic difference.

In this case, you have a GetID method, which implies uniqueness of objects. This is not a good approach to writing functional programs. Perhaps you could tell us the problem you are trying to solve and we could give you more meaningful advice.

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