Dynamic Allocation in C++ – Purpose and Benefits


I really have never understood it at all. I can do it, but I just don't get why I would want to.

For instance, I was programming a game yesterday, and I set up an array of pointers for dynamically allocated enemies in the game, then passed it to a function which updates their positions.

When I ran the game, I got one of those nondescript assertion errors, something about a memory block not existing, I don't know. It was a run-time error, so it didn't say where the problem was. So I just said screw it and rewrote it with static instantiation, i.e.:

Enemy tempEnemy = Enemy(3, 4);

And it immediately worked perfectly.

Now sure, some of you may be thinking something to the effect of "Maybe if you knew what you were doing," or perhaps "n00b can't use pointers L0L," but frankly, you really can't deny that they make things way overcomplicated, hence most modern languages have done away with them entirely.

But please– someone — What IS the point of dynamic allocation? What advantage does it afford? Why would I ever not do what I just did in the above example?

Best Answer

First off, you are using dynamic allocation. You just don't handle raw pointers yourself. But std::vector, as nearly all other useful data structures, internally allocates memory dynamically. This is because your only alternatives are: Static allocation (far too limited, you have to know the size at compile time) and stack allocation (far too limited, a few megabytes at most and it's deallocated as soon as the allocating function returns). Dynamic gives you the largest amount of memory and the most freedom in how you use it. A pointer or reference also abstracts over the size of what's allocated - on the stack, you have to know at compile time (or use alloca to allocate manually, but then you need even more care and still get a pointer).

Second, many C++ programmers will agree that raw pointers are not very useful most of the time, precisely due to the complexity and error-proneness you cite. You need them under the hood, and you should absolutely be able to use them, but you shouldn't do it in 99% of all code in the interest of sanity, correctness, programmer performance, exception safety, memory leak avoidance, etc. Your alternatives are some combination of containers (std::vector is just the tip of the iceberg), smart pointers, other forms of RAII, plain old stack allocation whenever you can get away with it, and references.

Also note that there is a difference between pointers (and other kinds of indirection) and dynamic allocation. Pointers (raw and smart, as well as references) afford you (as a commenter pointed out) polymorphism, regardless of how the pointed-to object is allocated. You will have to wrap your head around them, around references, around smart pointers, and about issues like ownership that follow suit, regardless of what/where/how you allocate.