C++ for Windows – Understanding Desktop Application Development

cdesktop applicationvisual studio 2010

I've been programming C++ for almost a year, and I've written complex programs however there are a couple of programming features of C++ which I didn't cover up (Classes & pointers), however I felt ready to develop a desktop application. I didn't get any books nor did I find any REAL documentation. I said to myself "Practicing is the most important thing in programming. I'll do that".

Obviously I didn't learn much. After 4 months of programming in Visual studio C++/CLI I barely understand what I'm doing. I know how to do very basic operations, converting data types, but I am clueless on how the program works, how I add anything except events or how I change my GUI in code and not in the GUI builder.

What should I do? Practice didn't really help, I only know some very easy things since I started working with Visual Studio, but the rest of the concepts leave me clueless. Should I hit the books, or should I just keep practicing?

Best Answer

C++/CLI is very bad and not useful, for anything except interop, and has little to do with C++.

Just to note, classes are the single most important thing in C++. If you can't use classes, you can only write tiny little toy programs.