Understanding SignalR’s HubConnection from a .Net Client Perspective


I if may point out I don't have a code issue nor the requirement for code review, hence posting here.

I'm generally looking for a better understanding on how to truly architect a SignalR .Net Client project to prevent multiple HubConnections being instantiated.

I/We have a prototype in a staging environment, which successfully passes print information from remote distribution centres to our app.

What truly baffles me is that I am instantiating a HubConnection every time I need to send a message accessed directly on the Hub, not an api endpoint.

Please allow me to demonstrate some code, So our system talks to a locked down api, which then talks to a hub hosted else where.

    public class PrinterStatusV1Controller : ApiController
        //logic removed
        private HubConnection _hubConnection;

        public PrinterStatusV1Controller()
            //logic removed

        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AddPrinterStatusAsync([FromBody]PrinterStatus printerStatus)
                var identity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;

                var identityInstance = new IdentityInstance(identity);
                if (identityInstance == null)
                    return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

                if (printerStatus == null)
                    return NotFound();

                IHubProxy aProxy = Create(dummy);

                if(printerProxy != null)
                    await printerProxy.Invoke("dummy", dummy);

                await _printerStatusRepo.Dummy(dummy);
                return Ok();
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                return InternalServerError();
        private IHubProxy Create(string dummy)
                /logic removed
                _hubConnection = new HubConnection("dummy", dictionary);
                var hubProxy = _hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("dummy");

                _hubConnection.Closed += () => {
                    var connected = false;
                    while (!connected)
                        _hubConnection = new HubConnection("dummy", dictionary);
                        hubProxy = _hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("dummy");
                        connected = true;

                return hubProxy;
                return null;
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                if (_hubConnection != null)

                //logic removed

I should get to the point, What is the generally the best pattern/architecture to avoid creating a HubConnection, every time I call an endpoint? any hints greatly appreciated. I can put many abstractions in place but theoretically it's going instantiate a new HubConnection each time..

Best Answer

Maintain a reference to one HubConnection object, and re-use it for subsequent API calls.

This can be done in a number of different ways, without overly complicating your architecture. For example, if you're using a DI container, you can tell your container to use a Singleton lifetime, so that when you ask for a HubConnection object, you get the same one back each time.

Instance members of HubConnection are not thread safe. Treat them accordingly.

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