C# – Web API architecture design


I'm learning and diving into Web API. I've used web services before but not specifically with web API. Below is how I am designing it so far and I was curious on the feedback.

I have a ReturnMessages object. This basically is a standard object that gets returned from any of the API calls, correctly executed or an error happens. Within each API method I have a try catch. if everything is alright, I specify the values I need within my ReturnMessages object and than Ok(_returnMessages). Now if an error happens I fill in the ReturnMessages object with the error information and once again return Ok(_returnMessages).

The ReturnMessages object contains a ReturnClass field to hold any type of other objects I may need to return. A single object or an Array. It also has a return code, return message, friendly message for the end user in case something wrong happens and than a generic string list of data that was passed in that I can send off and use for testing purposes to try and re-create the error.

Below is a code sample from one of the methods that shows off what I am talking about. Is this approach ok with always returning Ok with the object I'm returning or am I missing potential pieces within the Web API that I should be utilizing? I've seen the NotFound exceptions and all that other fun stuff.

**EDIT: I made some changes in terms of what I was passing back for when things don't work out. I took out the ReturnMessage and also the ReturnData and wrote that to the Application event log for a new string value for this particular web api. Taht occurs in the _lw code line which is just a LogWriter class that uses the values passed in to write to the application event log.

public IHttpActionResult method1(string arg 1= null, string arg2 = null, string arg3 = null)
                clrObject1 varClrObject = (from p in db.clrObject1
                                            where p.column1 == arg1
                                            select p).SingleOrDefault();

                if (varClrObject == null)
                    _returnMessages = new ReturnMessages
                        ReturnCode = 204,
                        FriendlyErrorMessage = "Nothing found matches the supplied values."

                   _lw.SetupEventLog("No data was found that matched the information supplied.\n\nParameters:\narg1: " + arg1 + "\narg2: " + arg2 + "\narg2=" + arg2, "Warning");
                    _returnMessages = new ReturnMessages
                        ReturnCode = 200,
                        ReturnClass = varClrObject,
                        ReturnMessage = "Information Successfully Retrieved"
            catch (Exception e)
                _returnMessages = new ReturnMessages
                    FriendlyErrorMessage = "An error has occurred while getting your information. Please try again in a few minutes.  A notification was already sent to the company about this issue.",
                    ReturnCode = 400

                _lw.SetupEventLog("Parameters:\narg1: " + arg1 + "\narg2: " + arg2 + "\narg3=" + arg3, "Error", e);

            return Ok(new { Response = _returnMessages });

Best Answer

You are overcomplicating this.

Web API is designed to let you write your controller code is as "natural" a way as possible. The IHttpActionResult return type is mostly intended as an escape hatch when you want maximal flexibility.

Here is how I would write your method:

public ClrObject1 Method1(string arg1 = null, string arg2 = null, string arg3 = null)
    ClrObject1 varClrObject = (from p in db.clrObject1
                               where p.column1 == arg1
                               select p).SingleOrDefault();

    if (varClrObject == null)
        // This line will automatically return a 404 error to the user.
        throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        // If you want, you can also build a full HttpResponseMessage
        // to give more details about the error.

    // Web API will automatically return serialize and return your object
    // in a 200 OK response.
    return varClrObject;

You will notice that I do not put a try-catch block to handle exceptions - the reason is that, if any exception is raised and unhandled, an error 500 will be returned to the user, which is usually what I want. Also, you do not want always to return details about your exception in the HTTP response, as such information could disclose information that could be used in helping hacking the application server.