C# – What are the disadvantages of using/writting a .Net Custom Membership Provider


Recently, I posted the following question on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7197337/using-asp-net-membership-provider-with-an-existing-user-database

As you may notice, I ended up answering my own question stating that it looked like writting/implementing a "Custom Membership Provider" was the way to go.

Literally, a few minutes later, I stumble across this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222306/simple-login-attempt-counter-using-mvc-3-and-ajax/7222407#7222407

I try to answer and get a comment back that .Net Membership provider is "terrible on many levels". I'll admit, this is the first time I'm using Membership provider but it sure looked slick to me.

I haven't seen anything that backs up the "terrible" claim so before I implement something "terrible", I was hoping to get some feedback from the community.

Best Answer

So I'm not sure "terrible" is the best word here. However, it has limitations, and as soon as your needs do not fit how the membership provider was designed you end up with a lot of glue code. If you can use the membership provider out of the box, I would say go for it. As soon as you start writing a custom one I question using the membership stuff anyways.

In my experience the membership provider buys you...

  • Sign up already built in for MVC app
  • Account editing
  • Forgot Password is easy to hook up
  • Validate user method

I'm sure there's something else I'm missing but I think those are the big ones. Now when you need custom password management, two factor authentication, to work with an existing data model, or a whole host of other things you start to lose out. The code that's already written for you with the membership provide should take on the order of a few days to duplicate if you know what you're doing.