Problems of Bringing C++-like Const into a Language


I am interested in the idea of C++-like const not that particular execution (like casting away const).

Take for example C# — it lacks C++-like const, and the reason for it is the the usual — people and time. Here additionally
it seems the C# team looked at the C++ execution of const, marketing CLR and had enough at this point (see why there is no const member method in c# and const parameter ; thank you Svick). Be if we move further than that, is anything else?

Is there something deeper? Take for example multi-inheritance — it is usually seen as hard to grasp (for the user) and thus not added to the language (like diamond problem).

Is there something in NATURE of const that pose a problem that it is better for language to avoid it? Something like deciding if const should be deep or shallow (having const container does it mean I cannot add new element or alter existing elements as well; what if elements are of reference type)?

UPDATE: while I mention C#, and thus making a historical perspective I am interested in the nature of potential problems of const to the language.

This is not a challenge of the languages. Please ignore such factors as current trends or popularity — I am interested only in technical issues — thank you.

Best Answer

Note sure if this qualifies for you, but in functional languages like Standard ML everything is immutable by default. Mutation is supported through a generic reference type. So an int variable is immutable, and a ref int variable is a mutable container for ints. Basically, variables are real variables in the mathematical sense (an unknown but fixed value) and refs are "variables" in the imperative programming sense - a memory cell that can be written to and read from. (I like to call them assignables.)

I think the problem with const is two-fold. First, C++ lacks garbage collection, which is necessary to have non-trivial persistent data structures. const must be deep to make any sense, yet having fully immutable values in C++ is impractical.

Second, in C++ you need to opt into const rather than opt out of it. But when you forget to const something and later fix it, you'll end up in the "const poisoning" situation mentioned in @RobY's answer where the const change will cascade throughout the code. If const was the default, you wouldn't find yourself applying const retroactively. Additionally, having to add const everywhere adds a lot of noise to the code.

I suspect the mainstream languages that followed (e.g. Java) were heavily shaped by C and C++'s success and way of thinking. Case in point, even with garbage collection most languages' collection APIs assume mutable data structures. The fact that everything is mutable and immutability is seen as a corner case speaks volumes about the imperative mindset behind popular languages.

EDIT: After reflecting on greenoldman's comment I realized that const isn't directly about the immutability of data; const encodes into the type of the method whether it has side effects on the instance.

It's possible to use mutation to achieve referentially transparent behavior. Suppose you have a function that when called successively returns different values - for example, a function that reads a single character from stdin. We could use cache/memoize the results of this function to produce a referentially transparent stream of values. The stream would be a linked list whose nodes will call the function the first time you try to retrieve their value, but then cache the result. So if stdin constains Hello, world!, the first time you try to retrieve the value of the first node, it'll read one char and return H. Afterwards it'll continue to return H without further calls to read a char. Likewise, the second node would read a char from stdin the first time you try to retrieve its value, this time returning e and caching that result.

The interesting thing here is that you've turned a process that's inherently stateful into an object that's seemingly stateless. However, it was necessary to mutate the object's internal state (by caching the results) to achieve this - the mutation was a benign effect. It's impossible to make our CharStream const even though the stream behaves like an immutable value. Now imagine there's a Stream interface with const methods, and all your functions expect const Streams. Your CharStream can't implement the interface!

(EDIT 2: Apparently there's a C++ keyword called mutable that would allow us to cheat and make CharStream const. However, this loophole destroys const's guarantees - now you really can't be sure something won't mutate through its const methods. I suppose it's not that bad since you must explicitly request the loophole, but you're still completely reliant on the honor system.)

Secondly, suppose you have high-order functions - that is, you can pass functions as arguments to other functions. constness is part of a function's signature, so you wouldn't be able to pass non-const functions as arguments to functions that expect const functions. Blindly enforcing const here would lead to a loss of generality.

Finally, manipulating a const object doesn't guarantee that it's not mutating some external (static or global) state behind your back, so const's guarantees aren't as strong as they initially appear.

It's not clear to me that encoding the presence or absence of side effects into the type system is universally a good thing.